Thelephora spinosispora (Cížek)
Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson
Syn.: Tomentella
spinosispora Cížek 2004
Basidiome effused, adherent to separable in small pieces, soft tomentose, up to 0.3 (0.5) mm thick.
Hymenophore smooth, very finely tufted or porulose
to almost continuous, dark reddish brown (7.5–10YR 4–3/3).
Subiculum scanty to well developed, arachnoid to soft tomentose and loose, concolour
with the fertile area.
Margin fertile throughout, indistinct, indefinitely
thinning out, finely tufted and mostly discontinuous.
Rhizomorphs absent.
Hyphal system monomitic; all hyphae with simple septa.
Subicular hyphae of two kinds: 1) 4–7 (8) µm wide, regular,
thick-walled (walls 0.5–2 µm), brown; 2) 2–3 µm diam., infrequent or
even lacking in most preparations, straight, infrequently branched, with rather
thin or slightly thickening wall, pale brown.
Subhymenial hyphae (3) 4–7 (8) µm wide, almost regular, infrequently
cross-branched, loosely arranged, with relatively short cells, often
thick-walled, pale brown to brown.
Cystidia absent.
Basidia immature clavate to cylindrical then
cylindrical to slightly utriform with a more or less evident median
compression, 40–50 (60) µm long, 7–10 µm diam. at top, 8–11 µm wide in the lower
half where they are often thick-walled, subhyaline to
brownish; 4 sterigmata up to 10 µm long and 2–3 µm
wide at the base.
Basidiospores with regular outline; subglobose
to broadly ellipsoid in side view, adaxial side
convex; globose to subglobose in frontal view; globose in polar view; 7–9 µm
across or, more precisely, (7) 7.5–9 (9.5) x 7–8 x 7.5–8.5 (9) µm, Q1
= 1.05–1.2, Q2 = 1-1.1 (1.15), wall 0.4–0.8 µm thick, paler to concolour with basal hyphae, echinulate, often with a large
guttula; aculei 1.5–3 (3.5)
µm long and 0.7–1 (1.2) µm wide at the base, solid, tapering, single, regularly
Chlamydospores absent.
Incrustation absent.
Chemical reactions IKI— or with some elements in hymenial
layer becoming very dark brown to dark bluish in some preparations . CB— or
doubtful: thin-walled elements and aculei with a thin
cyanophilous stratum, thickening to thick walls acyanophilous, content of basidia and hyphae cyanophilous. KOH: walls distinctly swelling in KOH, at
first inwards and then outwards, slowly at 2%, almost immediately at higher
description: Elia Martini
drawings: Elia Martini