Thelephora extendens Kõljalg, I. Saar &
Tomentella radiosa (P. Karst.) Rick.
= Thelephora terrestris f.
resupinata ss. auct.
Basidiome: adherent, felty to partly crust-like
Hymenophore: warty, rarely smooth, deer to pink-brownish
Margin: usually lighter than the hymenophore, often byssoid to fringed
Rhizomorphs: partially present in the substrate
Substrate: same color as or lighter than the hymenophore, white to
Subicular hyphae: hyaline to brownish, with clamps, somewhat thick-walled, not incrusted,
3-6 µm wide
Subhymenial hyphae: hyaline to brownish, with clamps, partially swollen
and short-celled, with clamps, thin-walled, not incrusted, 3-6(8) µm wide
Rhizomorphs: monomitic, formed from hyaline to brownish hyphae with
clamps, thin-walled, 3-5 µm wide
Cystidia: absent
Basidia: hyaline, rarely cyanescent, with a basal clamp
Spores: pale brownish, frontally triangular, partially lobed, laterally
irregularly elliptical, partially lobed, almost all spores with oil droplets,
7.5-9 x 6-8 µm, ornaments coarsely warty and partially bifurcated, up to 0.8 µm
Distribution: worldwide in temperate to subtropical regions, one of the
three most common species in Germany
Zeichnung: H. Maser Foto: Hans Bender