

Thelephora fuscocinerea Pers. 1822

Syn.: Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.: Fr.) Donk 1933


Basidiome: adherent, crust-like
Hymenophore: smooth, gray-brownish
Margin: lighter than the hymenophore, byssoid to fimbriate
Rhizomorphs: absent
Subiculum: lighter than the hymenophore

Subicular hyphae: hyaline to brownish, without clamps, thick-walled, not encrusted, 3-5.5 µm wide
Subhymenial hyphae: hyaline, partially cyanescent, without clamps, thin-walled, not encrusted, 3-5 µm wide
Cystidia: absent
Basidia: hyaline, without basal clamp
Spores: brownish, irregularly rounded in frontal view and regularly to irregularly elliptical in lateral view, 9-12 x 6-8 µm, spines up to 1.5 µm long

Distribution: worldwide in temperate to subtropical regions, occurs sporadically in Germany
Note: Occurrence on soil is a typical feature. Individual records on wood with thin, tomentelloid basidiome correspond to the description of Thelephora brunneofirma M.J. Larsen 1967, which Köljalg (1996) lists as a synonym of Thelephora fuscocinerea.


Zeichnung: H. Maser