Thelephora ferruginea (Pers.: Pers.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson
Syn.: Tomentella
ferruginea (Pers.: Pers.) Pat. 1887
Basidiome effused, separable, hypochnoid, soft and
fragile to tomentose, becoming membranaceous,
up to 0.3 (0.5) mm thick.
Hymenophore mostly continuous, granulose to colliculose,
dark yellowish brown to brown (10YR 4/3–6), normally becoming olive brown to
dark olive (5Y 4–3/4).
Subhymenium rather thin, normally poorly
Subiculum thin to well developed, yellow to yellowish brown,
reddish-yellow, rarely brown, araneose to hypochnoid.
Margin indistinct, fertile throughout and shortly thinning out or
distinct, almost sterile and indefinitely thinning out, finely byssoid to
fibrillose, rarely somewhat fimbriate, yellow to
yellow orange or yellowish brown, mostly concolour or
paler than the subiculum.
Rhizomorphs common in subiculum where they can be readily seen on the
underside, if the basidiome can be turned
upside-down; often present and well developed in the substratum, especially if
strongly decayed, and at the margin, up to 0.05 (0.1) mm, compact, hard and
flexible, richly branched and often fan-shaped, slightly pilose
or smooth between branchings, yellow to brown or very
dark brown.
Hyphal system system monomitic to dimitic
or trimitic with skeletal hyphae associated with
Subicular hyphae regular, mostly fibulate,
sometimes with simple septa and repetitive adventitious septa, 2.5–5 µm wide,
infrequently with some localized thickenings, thin-walled or with slightly
thickening wall, subhyaline to yellowish.
Subhymenial hyphae regular, fibulate, 3–4 (5)
µm wide, subhyaline to pale yellowish, sometimes with
yellowish-ochraceus content.
Rhizomorphs starting as strands of fibulate and
simple-septated thin-walled hyphae, 2–4 µm in diam.
that later develop wider in the core (up to 10 µm) and mix with 1–3 µm wide
hyphae with thickening wall, sparse clamps and frequent simple or adventitious
septa, that originate straight skeletal hyphae common on the surface of the
rhizomorphs; some old rhizomorphs may show also infrequent richly branched pseudoskeletal hyphae forming an incomplete labyrinthiform net on the surface. Rhizomorphs with
numerous skeletal hyphae on surface are yellowish, otherwise brownish.
Cystidia absent.
Basidia subcylindrical or narrowly clavate to slightly utriform, infrequently capitate,
sometimes more or less sinuous, 40–60 x 6.5–8 µm, with a fibulate
basal septum, subhyaline to pale yellowish or ochraceous, often with yellowish to ochraceous
content; (2) 4 sterigmata, 4–5 µm long and 1–1.5 µm
wide at the base.
Basidiospores with regular to irregular or
lobed outline, lateral face ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid sometimes with a
broader base, frontal face ovoid to 3-lobed, polar face globose, subglobose or
slightly 3-lobed, (6.3) 6.5–8.3 (8.7) x (5.2) 5.5–6.5 x (6) 6–7.5 (8) µm, Q1
= 1.1–1.45, Q2 = 0.9–1.25, echinulate, yellow to ochraceous;
aculei blunt to tapering, up to 0.8 (1.2) µm long,
single and sparse, paired at the base or grouped on not well defined secondary
Chlamydospores absent.
Incrustation: sometimes with deposits of yellow to brown resinous matter
in hymenium and subhymenium that dissolve in KOH.
Chemical reactions: IKI–. CB: very young basidiospores
and some skeletal hyphae cyanophilous. KOH:
subhymenial hyphae and basidia with content and adhering matter turning more or
less distinctly greenish, olivaceous to very dark
green, greyish green or even blackish with KOH.
Elia Martini
drawings: Elia Martini