eucinerascens Kυljalg, I. Saar &
Svantesson 2024
Syn.: Tomentella cinerascens (P. Karst.) Hoehn. & Litsch. 1906
Basidiome effused, araneose to soft membranaceous, adherent to separable, sometimes pellicular, fragile when dry, up to 0.2 (0.3) mm thick.
Hymenophore at first discontinuous, furfuraceous or tufted, then continuous, smooth to strongly
granulose, becoming colliculose.
Colliculi rounded, 0.10.2 (0.3) mm in diam., 37 (10)/mm, sparse to
crowded, easily separable from subiculum when well developed.
Hymenial surface mostly continuous or finely tufted under a strong
lens, light brownish grey, brownish, dark greyish brown (7.510YR 64/23).
Subiculum poorly developed and araneose to
rather thick, hypochnoid to fibrous, distinctly paler
than the fertile area, white to very pale brown (10YR 87/23).
Margin abrupt or indefinitely thinning out, araneose to byssoid, sometimes well developed and sterile, distinctly
rhizomorphic, white to very pale brown (10YR 87/23), paler to concolour with the subiculum.
Rhizomorphs often present in subiculum, at the margin and in cracks of
the substratum, up to 0.1 (0.3) mm thick, irregularly branched, smooth,
becoming relatively hard and rigid, white or whitish.
Hyphal system monomitic; hyphae with fibulate
primary septa.
Subicular hyphae regular, 24 (5) ΅m, mostly branched at some distance
or at the opposite side of clamps, often with simple anastomoses, thin-walled,
rarely with slightly thickening walls, hyaline or subhyaline.
Subhymenial hyphae regular, short-celled, 2.54 (5)
΅m, compactly arranged in colliculi, thin-walled, hyaline or with some pale
brown content in old specimens.
Rhizomorphs simple or poorly differentiated, built up by regular
generative hyphae (1) 24 ΅m in diam., often with simple anastomoses, mostly
thin-walled, hyaline; well developed and thicker rhizomorphs normally have a
core of wider hyphae, up to 15 (25) ΅m in diam.
Cystidia absent; some subfusoid elements with
rather obtuse apex may be present in hymenium, 3050 x 46 ΅m. Differentiated
"arboriform" hyphae sometimes present in hymenium
or in the core of colliculi, sometimes also on the surface of rhizomorphs;
these are intricately branched and aseptate gloeoplerous-like structures with homogeneous and non-oily
content, 46 (8) ΅m in diam., wider than other hyphae and with slightly
thickening wall (0.30.4 ΅m), sometimes collapsed and very difficult to find, subhyaline to very pale brown.
Basidia subclavate, often
with a median compression to utriform, (25) 3055 (70) x (5.5) 68 ΅m, rarely
with a transverse simple septum, hyaline to subhyaline;
(2) 4 sterigmata up to 5 (7) ΅m long and 12 ΅m wide
at the base.
Basidiospores with regular to slightly
sinuous-irregular outline, rarely more or less distinctly lobed; in frontal
view subovoidal to slightly pyriform; in side view
ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid with a flattening adaxial
side, rarely slightly lobed; in polar view mostly globose to subglobose, (5)
5.57.2 (7.8) x (4.2) 4.55.5 (6) x (4.7) 56.5 (6.8) ΅m, Q1 = (1.1)
1.21.4 (1.5), Q2 = 1.051.2 (1.3), echinulate, light yellowish
brown to brownish, distinctly darker than the other elements; aculei up to 1 (1.2) ΅m long.
Chlamydospores absent.
Incrustation: all hyphae and hymenial
elements strongly encrusted by small hyaline granules (up to 0.5 ΅m in diam.),
visible in water mounts but immediately dissolved in KOH and other dyes.
Chemical reactions: IKI. SA. CB: hyphae acyanophilous; at least some spores more or less distinctly
description: Elia Martini
drawing: H, Maser
photo: Elia Martini