Thelephora giacomoi
Kõljalg, I.
Saar & Svantesson 2024
bresadolae (Brinkmann) Bourdot & Galzin 1908
Basidiome effused, when fresh separable, at least in small
pieces, flocked to soft membranaceous, tomentose or slightly felted, when dry adherent and mostly detaching
in small incoherent or tufted granules, up to 0.3 (0.5) mm thick.
Hymenophore smooth, mostly finely discontinuous to very finely porulose and irregular at 10X, rarely almost continuous,
when fresh brown to dark brown with a light greyish or purplish tint (7.5–10YR
4–3/2–3), when dry brown to dark brown (10YR 4–3/3–4).
Subhymenium not compact, slightly thickening,
up to 0.1 (0.2) mm thick.
Subiculum arachnoid to tomentose, up to 0.2
(0.3) mm thick, brown to dark brown (10YR 4–3/3), when fresh more or less
differently coloured than the fertile surface, when dry almost concolour.
Margin indefinitely thinning out, fibrillose and discolour (whitish) in
fresh and actively growing specimens, otherwise indistinct, almost fertile
throughout, porulose, discontinuous.
Hyphal system monomitic; hyphae with mostly fibulate
primary septa; simple septa rarely found.
Subicular hyphae regular, frequently branched and arranged in all
directions, distinct, (4.5) 5–6.5 (7) µm wide, with thickening to thick wall
(0.5–1 µm), often with localized thickenings, branching at some distance from
septa, yellowish brown to brown or umbrinous; few
basal hyphae running more or less parallel to the substratum, with longer
cells, infrequently branched and rarely with thick walls (1.5–2 µm) and some
repetitive secondary septa.
Subhymenial hyphae short-celled, mostly irregular, 4–10 µm wide,
sometimes becoming triangular or botryose in deep subhymenium
near the subiculum and then widened up to 20 µm, with thin to thickening wall
(0.5 µm), often branched from clamps, subhyaline to
distinctly pigmented some shade of brown.
Rhizomorphs absent.
Cystidia absent.
Basidia when immature often somewhat obpyriform,
then subcylindrical to utriform, often stout, 40–65
(75) x (10) 11–13 (15) µm at top, (8) 10–14 µm in the lower middle, almost
thin-walled, subhyaline to pale brown, often guttulate; (2) 4 sterigmata 10–14
(15) µm long and (2.5) 3–4 µm wide at the base.
Basidiospores with regular outline, frontal
face subglobose to broadly ellipsoid or broadly ovoid, lateral face broadly
ellipsoid to subglobose with slightly flattening adaxial
side, polar face globose, 10–13 µm across or, more precisely, (9.5) 10–13
(13.5) x 8.5–11.2 (11.5) x 9.5–12.5 (13) µm, Q1 = 1.1-1.3, Q2
= 0.9-1.15, aculeate, yellowish brown to brown, normally with a large drop,
wall about 1 µm thick. Aculei single, tapering, 2–3
(3.5) µm long and 0.5–1.2 (1.5) µm wide at the base. Macrospores
infrequent 14–16 µm across.
Chlamydospores absent.
Incrustation: none.
Chemical reactions: IKI: often localized thickenings becoming bluish or
bluish grey, all other elements non amyloid. CB: inconsistent, some young
spores and thin-walled hyphae cyanophilous,
thick-walled elements acyanophilous but sometimes
thin wall layers seemingly cyanophilous (hyphae and aculei). KOH: a slight darkening of all elements that loose
some yellow hue.
description: Elia Martini
drawings and photo::
Elia Martini