

Thelephora atramentaria (Rostr.) Sacc. 1895

Syn.: Tomentella atramentaria Rostr. 1894                                                                      

Basidiome adherent, crust-like
Hymenophore smooth, gray to hazel-brown
Margin usually inconspicuous, sometimes lighter than the hymenophore
Rhizomorphs not present
Subiculum same color as the hymenophore

Subicular hyphae brownish, with clamps, thick-walled, not encrusted, 4-6 µm wide
Subhymenial hyphae hyaline, with clamps, thin-walled, not encrusted, 3.5-5.5 µm wide
Cystidia not present
Basidia hyaline, partially cyanescent, with basal clamps
Spores brownish, frontally triangular, laterally elliptical to kidney-shaped, 9-12.5 x 6-9 µm, spines up to 1 µm long

Distribution: Worldwide in temperate to tropical regions, one of the common species in Germany
Note: Easily identifiable by the large, laterally elliptical spores combined with thick-walled, brownish subicular hyphae.



drawing: H. Maser