Thelephora asperula (P. Karst.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson
Syn.: Tomentella asperula (P. Karst.) Hoehn. & Litsch. 1906
Basidiome effused, loosely adherent to
separable or, in part, completely detached from substratum, up to 0.5 (1) mm
Hymenophore smooth to strongly colliculose,
compact, becoming somewhat crustose when old. Colliculi spaced to crowded and concrescent, 1–4 (7)
per mm, 0.1–0.2 mm across, easy peeled off from the subiculum.
Hymenial surface continuous, when fresh
brownish, grey brown, green brown to (very) dark green-grey brown, fading on
drying to light brown, light grey brown, light olive brown, brownish or olivaceous brown, evidently darker than the subiculum.
Subhymenium thickening, tomentose or felted,
englobing numerous spores and (by this) more or less concolour
with the hymenial surface.
Subiculum and context hypochnoid
to tomentose or fibrous, poorly developed to thick,
whitish or very pale yellowish-brown, usually with numerous rhizomorphs.
Margin fertile throughout and indistinct to sterile and wide, thinning
out and araneose to byssoid or fimbriate,
whitish to light yellowish, normally turning yellowish or light grey when dry.
Rhizomorphs infrequent to common in subiculum, finally building up a
conspicuous part of the subicular layer; sometimes
easily seen at the margin and in cracks of the substratum, up to 0.1 (0.2) mm
in diam., sometimes fasciculate and up to 0.5 mm wide, irregularly intertwined
and richly branched to fan-shaped, soft, cottony, flexible, not fragile;
surface pubescent, with numerous projecting hyphae; normally white, sometimes
light grey, very pale brown, pale yellowish brown.
system monomitic or
dimitic with skeletal hyphae associated with rhizomorphs.
Subicular hyphae of one or two kinds: 1) generative fibulate, regular, (2) 2.5–6 (7) µm, with thin or
thickening wall or even solid wall (up to 2.5 µm) with lumen often difficult to
observe, rarely with localized thickenings, hyaline to subhyaline
or slightly yellowish, sometimes with short, simple anastomoses, horizontally
oriented, at the base of colliculi more loose and irregularly oriented; 2)
some rare skeletal hyphae, always associated with rhizomorphs.
Subhymenial hyphae almost regular, fibulate,
(2) 2.5–4 (5) µm, short-celled, frequently branched from clamps, thin-walled,
hyaline or subhyaline, loose and vertically arranged
when hymenial surface is smooth, compact, often
collapsed and with radiating orientation inside colliculi.
Rhizomorphs simple to differentiated.
— When poorly developed built up by 1) some generative hyphae regular, fibulate or with some infrequent simple septa, (2) 2.5–4
(5) µm wide, branching at some distance from septa, sometimes with simple,
short anastomosis, with thin to slightly thickening walls, infrequently with
thick walls, hyaline, interwoven with 2) some generative hyphae,
regular, straight, fibulate or with some secondary
simple septa, up to 7 µm wide, cells of variable length, up to 300 (500) µm,
with solid walls (2.5 µm) and a narrow lumen, sometimes with localized
thickenings, hyaline to subhyaline.
— Soon with few skeletal hyphae, regular, straight, rarely with some elbow-like
bends, 1.5–2 (2.5) µm, with solid walls and narrow lumen, hyaline, starting
from generative hyphae, characteristically with a thin skeletal hypha 0.8–1.5
µm thick, branching at right angle at 5–10 µm from the last clamp (see notes).
— When well developed with 1) a central core of broad hyphae, often
sausage-shaped, simple-septate or with small sclerified
clamps difficult to see, 8-16 µm in diam., mostly with thin or slightly
thickening walls, hyaline or sometimes subhyaline, 2)
a mediostratum built up by normal generative hyphae
as described above, 3) an outer layer built up mostly by skeletal hyphae
that may become the dominant kind of hyphae of the older rhizomorphs.
Cystidia absent.
Basidia narrowly clavate to subcylindrical, sinuous, 40–70 (80) x 8–10 (12) (apex), 6–8
(lower middle), 4–5 µm (base), hyaline or very pale yellowish, fibulate at the basal septum; 4 sterigmata
up to 7 (9) µm long and 1.5–3 µm wide at the base.
Basidiospores globose to subglobose, sometimes
broadly ellipsoid, with regular outline or rarely with slightly sinuos outline [potatiform],
8.5–11 µm across or (8.5) 9–11 (11.5) x (7.5) 8–9 (9.5) x (8) 8.5–9.5 (10) µm,
Q1 = (1.05) 1.1–1.25 (1.3), Q2 = (1) 1.05–1.15 (1.2),
echinulate, with thickening or thick wall (0.5–1.2 µm), pale yellowish brown,
yellowish-brown, olivaceous, brownish, greyish-brown,
darker than all other elements. Aculei varying
between collections: in some small and slightly crowded, up to 0.5 (1) x
0.2–0.5 µm, in other longer, stronger and fewer, up to 1.5 (2.5) x 0.5–1 (1.2)
Chlamydospores absent.
Incrustation: almost all hyphae and hymenial
elements coarsely to strongly encrusted by weakly
adhering granular hyaline crystals visible in water mounts, almost completely
dissolving in KOH and other dyes.
description: Elia Martini
drawing: H. Maser photo: Elia