
Key of European tomentelloid fungi 



-        spores size without ornaments

-        cyanescent-  hyphae and basidia bluish-green to bluish black in KOH






A- Hyphae clamped



B- Clamps absent or occasionally present






1a.   Cystidia present



1b.   Cystidia absent






2a.   Cystidia hyphoid 55-95 x 3-4 µm, growing from subiculum and rhizomorphs,



        hymenophore hazel-brown to olive-brown, smooth to granulose,



        margin byssoid with brownish dimitic rhizomorphs,



        spores irregular 8,5-10 µm 



        Thelephora atroarenicolor (Nikol.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






2b.   Cystidia acuminate, capitate or clavate






3a.   Cystidia acuminate (basally widened, rarely hyphoid)



3b.   Cystidia capitate



3c.   Cystidia clavate






4a.   Hymenophore  hazel-brown, granulose,



        cystidia somewhat distended base and tapering towards the slightly,

        expanded apices, often apical encrusted with brown deposits,



        some spores reddish brown in KOH



        Thelephora subtestacea (Bourdot & Galzin) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






4b.   Hymenophore greyish-green, smooth to granulose, mucedinoid,



        cystidia apical slightly incrusted



        Thelephora galzinii (Bourd.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






5a.   Cystidia pale brownish to greenish



        basidiocarps separable, dimitic rhizomorphs present,



        hymenophore yellowish-brown to olive-brown,



        Thelephora pilosa (Burt) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






5b.   Cystidia hyaline,



        basidiocarps adherent, without rhizomorphs,



        hymenophore greyish-green to olive-brown,



        Thelephora martinii Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



        Syn ; Tomentella viridula  Bourdot & Galzin 1924






6a.   Basidiocarps separable, rhizomorphs present,                             



        hymenophore greyish-brown to hazel-brown, smooth,
        subicular hyphae brownish, thick-walled


        Tomentella subpilosa ined.



        (similar to Th. muricata, an American species)






6b.   Basidiocarps adherent, rhizomorphs absent,



        subicular hyphae hyaline and thin-walled                       





7a.   Spores irregular, partly lobed



        Thelephora clavigera (Litsch.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






7b.   Spores regular globose to ellipsoid,



        subiculum thin to absent,



        subhymenial hyphae partly short celled and inflated



        Thelephora subclavigera (Litsch.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024




8a.   Spores average < 6,5µm 



8b.   Spores average > 6,5 µm






9a.   Spores 3-4 µm,



        hymenophore with short spines, rusty yellowish



        Odontia duemmeri (Wakef.) Kõljalg 2014






9b.   Spores average 4,5-6,5 µm 






10a.  Spores tubercular, hymenophore ferruginous-brown,



        smooth to hydnoid, margin byssoid, rhizomorphs dimitic



        Odontia calcicola (Bourdot & Galzin ) Kõljalg 2014






10b.  Spores echinulate






11a.  Basidiocarps adherent, rhizomorphs absent, hymenophore greyish brown



        basidia up to 25 µm long



        Thelephora griseoumbrina (Litsch. apud Lundell & Nannf.) Kõljalg et al. 2024                  






11b.  Basidiocarps separable, rhizomorphs present






12a.  Hymenophore rosy brown, smooth



        typical yellowish rhizomorphs present



        Thelephora palliodocastanea (X. Lu, Y.H. Mu & H.S. Yuan) Kõljalg et al. 2024






12b. Hymenophore greyish, granulose, rhizomorphs white



        Thelephora eucinerascens Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



        Syn.: Tomentella cinerascens (P. Karst.) Hoehn. & Litsch. 1906






13a.  Spore ornaments bifurcate, Hymenophore hydnoid



13b.  Spore ornaments not bifurcate or with a view of bifurcate warts                              


         Hymenophore smooth to granulare




14a.  Spores brown, slightly globose 7-8 µm, with short pines,



         rhizomorphs dimitic



         Odontia ferruginea Pers. 1794



         Syn. Tomentella crinalis (Fr.) M.J. Larsen 1967






14b.  Spores hyaline, irregular subglobose, 8-10 µm


         rhizomorphs monomitic



         Caldesiella italica Sacc. 1877




15a.  Immaturity basidia vesicular up to 25 µm wide, 



         hymenophore smooth, fawn, basidiocarps compact,



         spores irregular subglobose 7-9,5 µm



         Thelephora humicola Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



         Syn.: Tomentella terrestris (Berk. & Broome) M.J. Larsen 1974






15b.  Immaturity basidia clavate to utriform, < 15 µm wide                            






16a.  Spores average 6-7,5 µm (if hyphae short celled and inflated



        (if hyphae partly short celled and inflated go to 32a)



16b.  Spores average larger






17a.  Subicular hyphae thick-walled, brown, incrusted, up to 6 µm wide,



         hymenophore greyish-brown to dark brown, granulose,



         spores partly irregular globose, 6-8 µm


         Thelephora neobourdotii (M.J. Larsen) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024





17b.  Subicular hyphae thin-walled, hyaline to pale brown 




18a.  Basidia and hyphae strong cyanescent, hymenophore blackish brown,



         rhizomorphs distinct, with scattered skelett hyphae



         margin and subiculum ferruginous-yellowish, subiculum ferruginous-yellowish



         Thelephora botryoides Schwein. 1822


          (if rhizomorphs distinct dimitic and hymenophore olivaceous brown



          compare Th. ferruginea 36a.)




18b.  Basidia and hyphae not cyanescent, rhizomorphs absent



         hymenophore brownish, margin and subiculum same coloured, 



         spores not bifurcate



         Thelephora sp.  FD 7548




19a.  Hymenophore whitish, yellowish or pale ochraceous to mustard yellow

        Thelephora ochraceo-olivacea (Litsch.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024  

        Syn. Thelephora fatrensis (Svrček) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024







19b.  Hymenophor pale to dark brown, olivaceous or rusty brown






20a.  Spores subglobose or ellipsoid, not lobed 



20b.  Spores with irregular outline, mostly lobed






21a.  Spores ellipsoid (lateral view)                     



21b.  Spores subglobose (lateral view)                        






22a.  Subicular hyphae hyaline to pale brownish, thin-walled,



         subhymenial hyphae short celled and inflated,



         spores 7-10 µm long



         Thelephora ellisii (Sacc.) Zmitr., Shchepin, Volobuev & Myasnikov 2018 agg.






22b.  Subicular hyphae brown, thick-walled,



         subhymenial hyphae not short celled and inflated,



         spores 8-12 µm long, partly irregular 



         Thelephora atramentaria (Rostr.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024




23a.  Subicular hyphae hyaline



23b.  Subicular hyphae brown






24a.  Hymenophore greyish-brown, tubercular, spores 8-11 µm,



         basidiocarps separable, rhizomorphs present,



         subiculum white, margin yellowish to white



         Thelephora asperula (P. Karst.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024




24b.  Hymenophore pale brown to brick, spores 7-8,5 µm



         (forms of Th. eulateritia 34a. and Th. eucoerulea 35b. with more regular spores)





25a.  Hymenophor rust-yellowish, spores yellowish-brown, Th. bryophila complex



25b.  Hymenophor bright to dark brown, spores brown




26a.  Spores with long spines up to 3 µm, globose 8-11 µm,

         apiculus amyloid

         Thelephora bryophila (Pers.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






26b.  Spores with shorter spines up to 1,5 µm, Apiculus not amyloid







27a.  Hymenophore ochre-yellow with olivaceous tint, spores 8-11 µm

        Thelephora viridescens (Bres. & Torr.) ) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024







27b.  Hymenophor rust-yellowish, spores 6-9 µm

        Thelephora ferruginella (Bourdot & Galzin) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024





28a.  Spores globose, 8 -13 µm, spines up to 3 µm,



         Subicular hyphae not incrusted



         Thelephora stuposa s.l.

--      Spores 6 - 8 µm Thelephora spec.

--      Spores 8 - 10 µm  Thelephora stuposa (Link) Kõljalg et al. 2024 s.str.

--      Spores 10 - 13 µm Thelephora giacomoi Kõljalg et al. 2024

         Syn.: Tomentella bresadolae (Brinkmann) Höhn. & Litsch. 1908






28b.  Spores subglobose to ellipsoid, 7,5-9,5 µm, partly irregular






29a.  Subicular hyphae incrusted, apiculus not amyloid, with spines up to 2 µm 



         Thelephora lapida (Pers.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



         (similar Th. fuliginea with amyloid apiculus and subicular hyphae not incrusted)


29b.  Subicular hyphae not incrusted, with short spines, apiculus not amyloid

         Thelephora alpina (Peintner & Dämmrich)  Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



         (alpine species on Salix herbacea)






30a.  Spores with long spines up to 2,5 µm, hymenophore smooth, fawn to rosy-buff,



         margin byssoid to fimbriat, rhizomorphs present



         Thelephora testaceogilva (Bourdot & Galzin) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






30b.  Not with the above combination of characters






31a.  Subhymenial hyphae to 8 (10) µm wide, short celled and inflated



31b.  Subhymenial hyphae to 5,5 µm wide, regular       






32a.  Spores rough tuberculate-echinulate,       

         a few warts bifurcate, mostly spores with oil drops, 

         margin often fimbriat, partly rhizomorphs present



         Thelephora extendens Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



         Syn.: Tomentella radiosa (P. Karst.) Rick 1934,



         = Thelephora terrestris f. resupinata ss. auct.






32b.  Spores with long spines 7-9 µm,

         hyphae to 10 µm wide, inflated up to 15 µm wide,



         margin undetermined, rhizomorphs absent



         Thelephora wakefieldiae Zmitr., Shchepin, Volobuev & Myasnikov 2018 s.l.



         Syn,: Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 s.l.






33a.  Subiculum thin, rhizomorphs rarely, 

         basidia partly with reddish contents (examines in distilled water!)



         hymenial with amber-tinted adhering material, solving in KOH

         and partly cyanescent 






33b.  Subiculum and rhizomorphs distinctly,    



         basidia not reddish in distilled water






34a.  Hymenophore brick-red, not cyanescent

         Thelephora eulateritia Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024


         Syn.: Tomentella lateritia Pat. 1894






34b. Hymenophore brownish






35a.  Hymeniophore dark brown, distinctly cyanescent            



         Thelephora molybdaea (Bourdot & Galzin) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024   


35b.  Hymenophore pale brownish, not cyanescent



        Thelephora eucoerulea Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024

        Syn.: Tomentella coerulea (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch.1907 ss. M.J. Larsen






36a.  Basidia and hyphae cyanescent,



         hymenophore ferruginous-brown to olive-brown, granulose, 



         margin partly yellowish, rhizomorphs dimitic



         Thelephora ferruginea (Pers.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



         (if hymenophore blackish-brown view Thelephora botryoides 18a.)






36b.  Basidia and hyphae not cyanescent






37a.  Hymenophore pale brownish with greenish or reddish tints, granulose, margin,

         byssoid, ferruginous-brown, rhizomorphs monomitic or rarely dimitic



         Thelephora punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024   



        (with distinct golden yellow hyphae compare Thelephora rubiginosa)






37b.  Hymenophore ferruginous-reddish to chestnut-brown, smooth to tubercular, 



         margin ferruginous-reddish, rhizomorphs dimitic



         Thelephora umbrinospora (M.J. Larsen) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






38a.  Spores ornaments bifurcate                                       



38b.  Spores ornaments not bifurcate                           






39a.  Hymenophore tubercular to hydnoid, cinnamon brown,



         spores slightly globose with short bifurcate ornaments 6-8 µm,



         with thick-walled up to 200 µm long tramal pseudocystidia



         Odontia fibrosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Kõljalg 2014






39b.  Hymenophore smooth (cf. Pseudotomentella!)






40a.  Spores brown                                                            



40b.  Spores hyaline (cf. Tomentellopsis!)






41a.  Occasionally clamps present,


         subicular hyphae and subhymenial hyphae occasionally clamps present,

         spores regular to irregular ellipsoid, 8-12 µm long, spines up to 1,5 µm

         Thelephora cinereoumbrina (Bres.) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024






41b.  All hyphae without clamps






42a.  Spores regular globose 7–9 µm,  spines up to 3 µm



         Tomentella spinosispora (Cižek) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



         (the type is described with clamps-bearing subicular hyphae,

          but now recognised as alien hyphae, E. Martini 2021)






42b.  Spores ellipsoid or irregular globose






43a.  Basidiocarps thick, crustose, mostly on soil



         Thelephora fuscocinerea Pers. 1822



         Syn.: Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) 1933





43b.  Basidiocarps thin and tomentelloid, on wood






44a.  Spores with spines up to 2 µm, spores irregular globose,



         basidiocarps mucedinoid



         Thelephora allobadia Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024



         Syn.: Tomentella badia (Link) Stalpers 1975



         (if spores regular globose view 42a.)




44b.  Spores with spines up to 1,5 µm, spores regular ellipsoid



         Thelephora brunneofirma (M.J. Larsen) Kõljalg, I. Saar & Svantesson 2024